I have been home the last few days taking care of a sick child. I'm a little bit of an emotional wreck as I hate seeing my baby girl suffer in any kind of way. I hugged her tightly in hopes that her sickness could immediately be transferred to me. Insane right? I don't care, if it could work I would do it every time she sneezed.
My poor girl was diagnosed with an ear infection. She has been running a high fever and feels icky. Good thing I took her to the doctor as soon as I noticed something off with her behavior and we caught the infection in the early stages. At least she thinks the antibiotics are delicious.
Last night, I planned on making a wonderful steak dinner with mashed sweet potatoes. Those plans changed when hubby suggested I prepare something hearty that my daughter will love. Spaghetti it is!
I prepared spaghetti just the way she liked it, with Italian Sausage and her favorite pasta sauce with warm garlic bread on the side. I made her plate and went looking for her and found her laying in our bed, half asleep. I asked if she wanted to eat and she said yes, it was her favorite. I left the plate with her in bed and went on my way. I came back 10 minutes later and she was knocked out and hadn't even taken a bite of food. Poor girl.
This morning, my daughter wakes up crying. She is still running a fever and I'm freaking out. "What's wrong" I ask. I'm literally thinking of getting her dressed to rush her to the hospital. With tears in her eyes she responds "Did you eat all the spaghetti? I didn't get any spaghetti."I'm shocked, a little amused, but extremely relieved that she's not crying out in pain. I informed her we had leftovers and a smile appeared on her face. "Can I have spaghetti for breakfast?" she ask. The only appropriate answer is "why not?"
That spaghetti was delicious and my baby girl seems to be feeling a bit better. Spaghetti for breakfast may become a thing around our household. I wonder what other dinner for breakfast options there are out there?
urbantutu says
Best mama ever. Who cares about the rules. If your princess feels better, then that is the best medicine ever. Hope she gets well soon. My kids ask for Nutella sandwiches pretty much for any time of the day.
Tanya says
Thank you! She does feel a bit better. Nutella is great anytime of the day, your kids have great taste.