Blaze Pizza, located in South End, Charlotte, NC provides a unique twist on pizza dining and pizza creation. It's the place to go when you're feeling creative!

Blaze Pizza has a simple concept that makes it one of a kind...pick your own pizza ingredients. I'm not just taking about toppings either, I mean the whole shibang, from the sauce, to the cheese, to the variety of toppings. Blaze Pizza of Charlotte offers the opportunity for us to make our own pizza pie! Wow, whoever had such an idea?
Kramer. Kramer, that's who. Yup, I couldn't come here without thinking of the time that Kramer on Seinfeld had the idea for a restaurant where people created their own pizza pie. Of course he was shot down by Jerry and George, but I always thought it was a great idea. Well, except the part about putting my hands in a 600 degree oven... and rolling out my own dough. Now that I think about it, Kramer's idea needed some tweaks. It seems Blaze has come up with the perfect solution. You let them know what you want on your pizza...they stick it in that super hot oven and like magic, your creation is ready in 180 seconds.
First, it starts with an original thin airy pizza crust. This crust is everythang! I'm not usually a fan of thin crust pizza but this one is a winner in my book. After the crust is selected, the possibilities are endless. Laid out in front of you, you visually create your pizza adding the sauce of your choice, cheeses of your choice, meats, veggies, and finishes...all at no extra cost.
I had not a clue what I wanted on my pizza but I managed to come up with one with a little help from the employees...they are super friendly by the way. My pizza consisted of the spicy red sauce, mozzarella cheese with goat cheese, applewood bacon, grilled chicken, green peppers, half salami, half pineapple, sprinkled with oregano. It was amazing! I call it the "My Forking Pizza." The ingredients were fresh,the crust was perfect, and it was my creation.
Now of course, not everyone wants to create their own pizza pie. Luckily for those folks, Blaze has some some signature pizzas you can choose from. Next time you swing by, let them know you want the "My Forking Pizza." They probably will have no clue what you're talking about but it would make me feel special 🙂
I couldn't leave without providing this clip from Kramer's Pizza restaurant idea. This clip made me question whether or not cucumbers belong on a pizza. Ironically, I don't believe Blaze has it on their menu.
The next time you're in the mood for pizza I would suggest checking Blaze Pizza of Charlotte out. Let your creativity shine through when making your own pizza pie.
April says
Man, I'm about to take a long road trip to blaze ha ha! Sounds like a great pizza spot. That pizza looks INCREDIBLE!